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Morphium based blogsoftware
Morphium based blog software Jblog
Some time ago I "dared" to leap away from Wordpress and reported about it ( Now it's been over 2 years (: astonished :) and there it is time to d
category: global --> Computer --> programming --> MongoDB --> morphium
tags: blog
creator Stephan Bösebeck 2019-07-29
MacMini 2018
I am a Mac user for quite some time now and I was always happy this way. Apple managed it to deliver a combination from operating system and hardware that is stable, secure and easy to use (even for non IT-guys) but also has a ...
category: global --> Computer --> Apple
tags: Apple - MacMini - OSX and MacOS
creator Stephan Bösebeck 2019-02-26
Morphium 4.0.0 released
What was that again? Morphium is a sophisticated Object Mapper and Messaging System for MongoDB. It adds a lot of features to MongoDB, for example a dedicated InMemoryDriver, so that you can run all your Tests just in RAM without the need to ins
category: global --> Computer --> programming --> MongoDB --> morphium
tags: MongoDB - Java - MongoDB - Morphium
creator Stephan Bösebeck 2018-11-09
Morphium V4.0.0-RC5
We went quite a long way to get here, but... eventually we will
We put a lot of time and effort in this new Release Candidate #5 of Morphium and we get close to the major release.
what again was morphium?
Morphium was starte
category: global --> Computer --> programming --> MongoDB --> morphium
tags: Java - MongoDB - Morphium
creator Stephan Bösebeck 2018-10-19
Morphium 4.0.0 - work in progress
We are still working on getting morphium 4.0.0 done. We are behind schedule a bit but want to explain here, what is going on at the moment:
- complete new ObjectMapper implementation based on Jackson. Using this, we are about 30% faster on av
category: global --> Computer --> programming --> MongoDB --> morphium
tags: Java - MongoDB - Morphium
creator Stephan Bösebeck 2018-08-15