caluga - java blog

Caluga - The Java Blog
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Use GridFS or do it yourself

note: This post is from 2017, I just added some numbers to show the efficiency of this approach. At the time of this post, mongodb 3.0 was not out yet.

You don't own it till you make it

This is the well-known DIY saying. The question is, d


category: global --> Computer --> programming --> MongoDB


creator Stephan Bösebeck 2017-11-27

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New Release of Morphium V3.1.7

We just released V3.1.7 of morphium - caching mongodb pojo layer.

  • performance increase insert vs upsert
  • update handling of non-mongoid ID-fields (bugfix)
  • updated Tests
  • new strategy for buffered writer: WAIT
  • setting maxwait / ti


category: global --> Computer --> programming --> MongoDB --> morphium

tags: MongoDB - Java

creator Stephan Bösebeck 2017-11-21

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new release of Morphium 3.1.5

This release is about tidying up things a bit and includes some minor fixes and tweaks.

  • fixed some statistics
  • removing drivers into different project
  • improving byte array / binary data


category: global --> Computer --> programming --> MongoDB --> morphium

tags: Morphium

creator Stephan Bösebeck 2017-09-29

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git and optware fail after Qnap update to 4.3.3

for quite some time now, I have a qnap runnin in my basement storing whatever Storage needs, my servers or family members might have.

The qnap is also being used as git server - wich was totally fine the last couple of years but failed recen


category: global

tags: Git - Qnap - Storage

creator Stephan Bösebeck 2017-08-21

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Virenscanner for Mac or Iphone

As some of my readers are not that good in reading and understanding German, I'll try to write some of my posts, which might be interesting in english also. I hope everything is understandable so far emoji github:smirk - This is not a translation, just a r


category: global --> security

tags: IT security - virus

creator Stephan Bösebeck 2017-05-29

originally posted on:

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