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Morphium V4.2.13
Passwordmanager: PASS
I've been using 1Password for a long time and I've always been happy with it. However, there are now some reasons that speak in favor of switching to something else (purely subjective, everyone can eval...
category: global --> Computer --> Test of Tools
tags: OSX and MacOS - Tools
creator Stephan Bösebeck 2021-08-21
pass Alfred workflow
This is a simple workflow for using the pass password store Alfread is the main GUI here.
Several keywords:
- pass: search for entries, hit enter to see details and copy fields accordingly
- pgen: generat
category: global --> Computer --> programming --> shell scripting
creator Stephan Bösebeck 2021-08-20
Morphium V4.2.12 released
The latest Version of morphium (V4.2.12) was released a couple of days ago. As usual, the changes contain Bugfixes and improvements.
- Tests were changed so that they run more smoothly in total, less side effects
- Tests were simplified
- B
category: global --> Computer --> programming --> MongoDB --> morphium
tags: Java - MongoDB - Morphium
creator Stephan Bösebeck 2021-08-13