caluga - java blog

Caluga - The Java Blog
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MongoDB auf dedizierter Hardware

no english version available yet


category: global --> Computer


creator Stephan Bösebeck 2013-11-15

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New Docu for Morphium V2.0.23

no english version available yet


category: global --> Computer


creator Stephan Bösebeck 2013-11-07

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using Qnap as GIT-Server - SSH Problems

Linux really rules, especially if you consider the possibilities you get, adding functionalities to linux based gadgets or fix / add missing functionalities.

The latter one is something that also can be said about the Qnap storage system. I u


category: global --> Computer

tags: Git - Qnap

creator Stephan Bösebeck 2013-11-06

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New Version of Morphium Mongodb POJO Mapper V2.0.23

no english version available yet


category: global --> Computer


creator Stephan Bösebeck 2013-11-06

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RSA Implementierung in Objective-C

Still work in progress, does not 100% reflect the German Version

I already wrote about my effort in creating a completely independent RSA implementation here. I posted it also on Edit

category: global --> Computer --> programming --> Objective-C

tags: Objective-C - IT security - encryption

creator Stephan Bösebeck 2013-11-04

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