New blogging software


date: 2017-05-16 22:25:02

tags: IT security Java blog

category: Computer

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Created by: Stephan Bösebeck

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New blogging software

I did complain about wordpress several times (for example here). I took that for an opportunity, to take on my software development skills and use a weekend or two to build a new blogging software. Well, th result is this wonderful (well... hop so) page here.

PHP sucks

To stop all PHP fainbois from whyning, I do not like PHP very much, because I don't know it very much. Hence, wordpress is also kind of a mystery for me. The configuration works with luck, let alone get php to do what you want in a more secure way.

so, my blog was hacked several times during the last year now and this is pissing me off! So, I wanted to use a java based solution, but it seems like there is no simple, easy to use one out there.

so why not do it yourself?

exactly. That was my thought also. Could not be so complicated, could it? So, I wanted to create a blogging software that

  • has a simple technology stack
  • does not need a complex plugin funktionality. If it cannot do, what I like it to do, i rewrite it
  • themes or designs... well... er... could be better, but I think this is ok
  • Security, that is the point. I created the blogging software (called it jblog - not rally creative) myself and it is not so complex as wordpress. So we should be ok. I guess. But I know for sure, that th standard wordpress exploits wont work no more!
  • Intrnationalization... also a topic. jblog does only do 2 languages, German and English (I do not speak more, so I don't need more for my blogs).
  • whitelabeling. I have a couple of domains, I wanted to reuse / revive with this project.
  • one administration: I did not want to create the same thing 3 times, I wanted to have the same thing look like 3 different hings. Hence there should only be one administration page.


I am quite ok with what I accomplished here. Although it took longer than one weekend, it was finished quite fast. I lik that.

But please: if some links do not work anymore, some images look strange or are missing - I will fix this eventually emoji github:smirk

the different blogs - this blog here

the private main blog. Will cover topics like hobby, drones, games, gadgets etc. - the java blog

There I will put all my opnsource stuff, like morphium. And all the other programming tips and tricks I wrote over time. Hmm... seems like 'java blog' is not the right term...

This should be a business site anyways. So, here I will put in topics about my professional carreer, Scrum, processes etc.


well, this is going to be tough. I cannot produce content for 3 full blogs. Even filling one is quite hard. But I will try. And we will see, how that works

technical discussion

as mentioned above - not here, but at emoji github:smirk